Thursday, December 9, 2010

My "Creditors" were pestering my mum for money!

During my first stint in Singapore, I had been sending money back every month without fail in amounts ranging from SGD500 to SGD600. Normally I would call my mum to let her know that I have sent the money so that she will look out for it in the next few days. I knew that I had borrowed alot of money and I need to repay them as soon as possible. It's just the right thing to do!

This one day, about the forth month into my work, I called my mum and she asked if I could send more money back. I was kind of taken aback as the amount I had sent back should be enough to pay my "creditors" as promised. However, it seems they have been pressuring my mum for more, as they were probably afraid that I would renege on my promise to pay. This had put tremendous pressure and stress when I first came to Singapore, and often it even put a strain on the relationship between me and my mum.

I never had thoughts of running away. I wanted to pay back the money as soon as possible so that I could continue to save some money after I have paid up my debt. I had been "stingy" on myself, holding back on outings, meals, and even buying little things of necessity to a girl. I was living on less than SGD150 a month and sending the rest back or paying for my rent.

Looking back now, I wondered how I got through that tremendously tough period of my life... and still managed to smile when serving customers!

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