Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Some time back, I wrote about signing up for Yoga lessons and I finally was able to get my first two lessons. I had been looking forward to these lessons to begin as I had heard so much about how Yoga is good for the body that I cannot wait to try it out myself. Unfortunately, I did not manage to take any pictures during the first session but I managed to take some in the second session, so it's time to share them.

The first session, was kind of interesting. I wore my favorite running shoes and long exercise pants and tied my hair up in a bun so they do not fall all over. However, when I reached there, I realized everyone was carrying a rolled up rubber mat. I promptly asked them what it was for and they explained that it was for lying down and doing exercises. How did they know that they have to bring such a mat while I did not know??? I ended up being the only person lying on the bare, cold floor!

Then when we went into the room, they all took off their sandals while I had my shoes on. The Yoga teacher had to come to me to tell me to take off my shoes... ha ha! How come all these new people knew that they had to take off their shoes while I don't? Stupid me! Nevertheless, it felt good to do our exercises bare-footed!

Next when we had to lie down, my bun got in the way! And I was the only one lying on the floor while all the others had their yoga mat! Then I realized almost everyone had their hair down and many of the exercise were done lying down. Again, how come I did not know? Actually I should not be asking, "How come I did not know?" as I really do not know since it was my first time. However, this is also a beginner's class which means it is first time for many others. So my question really should be, "How did they know?"

The following week, I asked my friends if they had a Yoga mat to spare and one of my colleague had an old yoga mat which she gave to me. This time, I felt a lot better. I had my mat to lie on, my hair was loose and comfortable and I wore sandals so that I can easily take them off!

The session was fun and I really enjoyed it. The second session was tougher as we had to do more stretching and I think it is going to get even tougher as we go along! I hope I don't break any bones!


  1. 你手长脚长的
    最适合做 yoga

  2. 哈哈。我也知道做这运动是要赤脚和要带席子的。应该是从电视学来的,或听朋友说的,或是常理吧。


  3. 哈哈!谢谢Bee Yong!我也有想到!等我买了我自己的电脑,我就会开始写中文了!
