Thursday, January 13, 2011

Remitting money back home - Part 2

I wrote about remitting money back home a few post ago. Just a few days after I remitted the money, my dad texted (sms) me to tell me to call home, saying that it's urgent! I was working then and it was during my peak period which means that I cannot even make a phone call. As usual, I panicked... trying to figure out what emergency had happened back home. Had my mum slipped and hurt herself? Did somebody close pass away? I don't know about you but I certainly don't like this feeling of anxiety! Beads of sweat started forming on my forehead... some from the heat of the noodle stall I was manning and some from the anxiety I was feeling.

I could not wait for the day to end and it finally did. The first thing I did was to call my dad and all he had to tell me was that I had filled up the form wrongly and he was not able to get the money. Instead of filling out my name in the "Remitter's name", I filled his name instead!

I immediately made my way down to People's Park again to correct the error. Fortunately, the place was still opened, although not as crowded as before... which is good for me. Anyway, I managed to get the error corrected and so all is well for now... at least I assume! Sometimes, I think my home folks should not use the word "urgent" unnecessarily. While this is certainly important, I did not think it was that urgent and it had caused me alot of unnecessary concern. My dad could have just said in the text message that I need to correct an error I made in the remittance and to call back after work! Ha ha... anyway, we all  learn from our mistakes!

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