Thursday, November 11, 2010

Jogging to better health!

With my current job, I have more time than I am used to. I work from 6am to 6pm and thereafter it's back home and I am free. While it is nice, sometimes, you are at a loss as to what to do??? For a few months now, I've not had a life at all, it's work, work, work from dawn to dusk... so now, I had better start thinking about how I can best use the little extra time I have.

For a start, I went jogging last evening. I love to exercise but I have not had much of an opportunity to do much of it in the last few years since I started work in Singapore. So I decided I must start jogging again. My place is quite near the Bedok stadium and that's probably the best place to start. I'm still not too familiar with the roads, so I don't want to get lost in Singapore. I know I won't get lost running round the Bedok stadium! I was wearing a cheap pair of China made shoes which I used for work. I will try a few more times jogging and if all goes well, I must get myself a pair of proper jogging shoes... maybe after my first pay day at this new job!

Well, I jogged 5 rounds for a start yesterday. That's about 2km. Not a lot but for a start and after letting my body rust away for so long, that's not to bad, I think! I intend to build up to 10 rounds, so that's about 4km by in a couple of months time. When I was in school, I used to run the 1,500m... so I still think I have a little of that running genes in me still. Hope they are not all lost to age....

I was a little surprised at the number of people jogging last night. The track was quite full with people of all ages who seem to be keen in keeping fit. I saw an old man of about 60+ and I saw kids as young as 8, I guess, together with their parents. It's nice to know Singaporeans are keeping fit. We need that in an ageing society!


  1. Haha, Li Jing! Finally you are back!! Welcome to Singapore, once again! =)Glad that you have found another job in such a short time, all thanks to your friend, Jian wei!

    Wah, didn't know you like jogging too, i jog at times too because i'm quite lazy sometimes and its boring to run alone.. no motivation. Haha!

    5 rounds still not a lot?? Are u sure?! Haha. Its a lot for girls standard.. even for guys. In singapore for our fitness test in schools and in the Army, we have to run 6 rounds of the track which is about 2.4km. By the 3rd round, some were already gasping for breath! Haha..

  2. 哈哈,谢谢黄瓜!我不喜欢跑步,但我要有一个健康的身体。所以,我要去跑步啊!
