Saturday, April 16, 2011

Who is right?

Just before I went back to China after my first stint in Singapore, I decided that I will not carry everything back as I had the intention to come back to Singapore to work. I decided to leave some things with my landlord, like some shoes, clothings and electronic items. I asked my landlord permission and he agreed to keep them for me.

When I came back to Singapore the second time around, some of my belongings were missing. Fortunately, most of the items left behind were bulky items like shoes and not really valuable items. I lost 2 pairs of shoes and an electronic hair straightener which I brought from China during my first trip. My landlord told me that he was not sure why it went missing.

Just last week, we were cleaning the house with some of my room mates when I saw that the electronic hair straightener was on the bed of one of my room-mates. She was not in at the time and normally, the low beds are covered with a "bedsheet curtain" for privacy reasons when we sleep, and to keep prying eyes away. However, this particular day, we had to clean under the beds and as such had to move aside some of these "curtains".

I decided to ask my landlord that evening as to why my electronic hair straightener was on the bed of one of my room-mates. He finally told me that he gave it to her as he was quite sure I was not coming back. I was disappointed in his lack of integrity but then again, it was probably my fault too for leaving it at his place. Afterall, he does not owe me an obligation to look after my items for me. Somehow, after staying for more than a year with them, we had built up a friendship and I had thought that this friendship was enough for him to feel obligated to look after my belongings. However, he has had many tenants and he must have also built up many friendships, so my "friendship" probably did not mean as much as I thought!

Well, anyway, I learned another lesson...

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