Sunday, April 10, 2011

What do we do at home?

What do a bunch of foreign people do when they are not working? Well, some of my room mates will go out together every now and then but for the most of us, we are quite content with staying home. Going out means spending more money and Singapore is not a cheap place in any way. A day out could cost us SGD20 to SGD40 and for those like me who do not work Saturdays and Sundays, it can really add up to a big sum of money.

Sometimes we'd go to the library, sometimes, just walk along the beach etc... but what do we do when we decide to stay home? Well, there's not much space at home so there's really quite limited activities. Most of the time, weekends or non-working days are spent washing our clothes, bedsheets etc... and this can be a rather time consuming task. For me, I hand wash some of the more delicate clothes and this really takes up a lot of time, especially when you have to wait for the bathroom to be free. With12 to 14 people living in a 2 bedroom flat, can you imagine how often the bathroom is unoccupied?

Other times, we spent packing our luggages, which is mostly kept under our beds during the weekdays. When we do really have some time, I usually just lie in bed to watch TV or read a book as seen in the picture to the right. The only problem with reading in bed is that it can be quite dim, especially when my bed is the lower one in a double-decker bed setup. I must get a light for my reading! Often I want to read at night when everyone is asleep but I cannot turn on the lights... so I end up lying in bed doing nothing! There must be more productive ways to spend my time!

Well, we have to come up with creative ways to keep ourselves occupied when living in a "community"!

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