Thursday, May 5, 2011

My first night at the new room!

Moving to a new place and sleeping on a new bed is always not easy for me. Sometimes it takes me a few days to get used to the new bed and the new environment. Fortunately, it was a long weekend, which allows me an extra day to get used to the new environment. Sunday is going to be my first day at my new room... am I excited!

I spent the latter part of Sunday buying some utensils for my cooking and eating. At my previous place, we could use what was provided by my ex-landlord but my current landlord is a Muslim, which means I have to use my own utensils. Not that I mind using his, it's more like he minds me using them as he has to ensure everything is HALAL (...although I do not know what exactly that means! Nevertheless, I must be sensitive to these things). He did tell me not to leave pork in the fridge!

That evening I went back home at about 8pm. My landlord was at home so I was feeling a bit uneasy about moving around. He is a nice person but I think it's just me, trying to get used to the place.

At one point, I was feeling hungry and I did not feel comfortable to go cook in the kitchen. Fortunately, I had a loaf of bread which I brought over from my old place and I took two slices before I went to sleep (or at least attempt to sleep). Plain old bread taste good when you are hungry enough!

I tossed and turned till my sister came back close to midnight! By then, my landlord was asleep so I showed my sister the bathroom and how to turn on the heater etc... We then had a short chat before we both tried to sleep. She must have been tired as before long I could hear some heavy breathing! I was awake till about 2am!

When we both woke up on Monday, my sister said she had a very sound sleep and the room and bed was very comfortable! My poor sister must be really tired. She had to work overtime, just trying to earn a little more!

1 comment:

  1. It takes time to adjust to the new environment. Up your antenna and be on the alert. Besides, bread, why not stock up some ready to eat food stuff such as biscuits for snacks.
