Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I want a Christian Name!

A few days ago, a customer suggested that I have a Christian Name. He said that Chinese names are not easy to remember and especially to pronounce, especially for non-Chinese. This is even more so when you have to pronounce the name in Chinese, since our names are direct conversion using Pinyin. It does not read like any typical English words.

In Pinyin, every Chinese character has 4 tones, dictated by symbols wriiten next to their Pinyin translations.

He suggested the name Niki. So I will be called Niki Li??? I said I will think about it. I wasn't sure if it is a good name, or if there are any meanings associated with that name, given my limited English???

While I am proud of my nationality, there is a saying that, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do!". So I thought that since many Singaporeans have a Christian name, why not have one too? In fact, in major cities in China, many Chinese are having Christian names too.

So what makes a good Christian Name? It must be simple to write, easy to pronounce, easy to call and uniquie! I am not familiar with Christian Names... so I hope my readers can help me!

So, any suggestions? Or is the name Niki, a good name for me?


  1. How about Jean? It rhymes with Jing :)

  2. I think you need a name that matches your personality. You seem to be a bright happy young woman, so I would suggest something like Cleo, which is derived from the word "happy".

  3. A Christian name is something quite personal, it must match your personality, rhyme & sound nice and have a positive meaning to it. Avoid names that are difficult to pronounce or sound like pet dogs such as Kiki. Niki means victorious people - good meaning, but does it sound nice to you?

  4. Thank you for all the suggestions. I will let you know which name I have adopted soon! Ha ha!

  5. you seem like a Amy to me. most English names are chosen by how they make you feel and have no meaning associated with them. good luck. love your tongue.

  6. Hi Peter, I think Amy is too feminine for me... ha ha!

  7. hi Jing if you see yourself as a tom boy maybe you should choose a name used for both boys and girls, like joe or gene or something similar. you can find names and meaning here,|6870|baby%20names||S|e|8809290538 or here

  8. Ha ha Peter, I am definitely not a Tomboy! But will check the website you suggest! Thank you again!

  9. Hi Jing, looking at your pic I think you're a cheerful person. Why not take "Jingle"? It is not too feminine, and it contains your Chinese name also...:D

    Well, I am nobody, and I don't know how I arrive here at your blog, so don't take it seriously ok. Cheers!
