Then when I have just about given up hope, the phone rang. When I saw the agents number, my heart almost skipped a few beats. The agent had good news for me. He said that much of the arrangements is confirmed and I need to go and pay my other 50% payment before they arrange for tickets and the rest.
Quite frankly, after all this wait and the humiliation I got from my friends and relatives, I was about to say yes to anything, just to prove them wrong!
When I got home, I broke the good news to my parents. My dad was his usual doubtful self but my mother was rather supportive. I did sense a little sorrow troubling her that evening, as we had dinner. Despite her show of joy, she was saddened by the fact that in just over a month, I will be off to a distant country. She wondered how life will be like without her eldest daughter around. Even though I'm not always at home when I work in Shenyang, I'm still easily contactable by phone and I'm just about a 2 hours ride from home. But now... I don't even know how far away I will be! All I do know is that it is very very far and I am a little apprehensive myself.! In my whole 26 years, I've never been that far away from home, I've never taken a plane or a train. In fact, I've never been to Beijing, our capital city and I've never seen the Great Wall of China, one of the seven man made wonders of the world!