Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Vagrant sleeping outside my home!

For the last couple of months, I had noticed this old man, sleeping on the floor near just outside my block. Recently, he moved upstairs, just outside my main door. The first time I came out of my door in the early morning when going to work, I was shocked to see a body lying there.

Fortunately he had a matt in place which made me realize that he is a asleep and not unconscious or dead! Then I realized that he was the same person whom had slept downstairs some months back. Maybe it was the rain that brought him up here!

Recently, I came back from the supermarket with my room-mate and I caught him answering the call of nature at the base of my flat. I was at first too embarrassed to look but this embarrassment soon turned to anger! No wonder I had been smelling something funny every morning when I make my way to the MRT station! And to think that the toilet at the nearby Kentucky Fried Chicken outlet is just a short few steps away! I decided to take a picture to report him to the authorities!

However, when he walked away, I realized that he walked with a very pronounced limp. Well, maybe the toilet is really too far away for him. I decided to forgive him and drop the matter! After all, I'm far from perfect too... which is why my emotions got the better of me. I'm glad I am able to rein in my emotions before I damage someone's rice bowl or living. Nobody wants to sleep on the floor if they can help it. I also felt so much more fortunate after this incident!


  1. 真糟糕。。

  2. Hi Li Jing, 你的心地蛮好的,赞!

  3. 是啊,那天有警察来告诉他离开!他离开了几天,但又回来了!

  4. 你妹妹做工晚回
