Saturday, June 19, 2010


The agent called to say that everything has been settled about a week later and I have to leave the following week. These two weeks were the fastest two weeks of my life. Now I'm really unsure... unsure about leaving my parents, friends, my sister and brothers and a place I've grown to call home. Butterflies churned my little tummy and I could not eat and sleep. Anxiety got the better of me... afterall, I'd never taken a plane before. In fact, I've not even seen the airport at Shenyang.

The day finally came and I was to meet the agent at the Shenyang Airport early in the morning. My parents were as anxious as I was, and got up really early to prepare breakfast... my last for the next two years at home. I could sense the tension and anxiety as I noticed my mum's eyes were perpetually wet. My dad was particularly quiet. As we had breakfast of home made dumplings, my dad finally broke the silence with his wavering voice. He told me to take care and be particularly careful in a foreign country. My mum finally broke down and cried, even though she had supported my desire to work in Singapore. I ate barely two dumplings as my churning tummy did not seem to like any food in it.

Finally we walked together as a family outside as we had booked a local taxi to take us to the airport. My sister and brother will be coming with me and helping me with my luggage. My tummy was churning even harder. Tears filled my eyes and the first big drop fell like the rain, even though I had wanted to appear strong. I hugged my mum and my dad. My dad pressed something into my hand... some money he had saved up and told me to keep it with me just in case (I was later to find out that he had given me another 1,000RMB, his savings! What a dad!). He knew I did not have much. In fact, I was going to Singapore with barely 500RMB in my pocket.I had taken the agent's word that lodging will be provided and I will start work within a few days of arriving in Singapore. My pay will be SGD800 a month!

The one hour plus to the airport felt like an eternity as I engaged in small talk with my sister and brother to keep sad thoughts out of my mind. I loved my sister and I promised her I will look for a job for her when I am in Singapore.

We got to the airport on time but the agent was late. But he finally arrived without so much as an apology as we had waited almost half an hour... not a long time but considering that my flight was coming up, half an hour felt like ages. My agent brought us to the check-in counter.

Finally the moment came to leave my sister and brother behind. I had to board. This was when I could not take and it virtually broke down and cried. I'd never left home for more than 2 weeks even when working in Shenyang and now I'm going to be away for 2 years. The thought just overwhelmed me. For the first time in my life, I saw tears in my brother's adult eyes as well!

Finally my agent ushered me into the boarding gate and I was all alone. I was lost and all alone. I was scared. I asked around and met a girl who was taking the same plane so kept close to her. Thinking back, while she had been helpful, she must have thought I was quite annoying... keeping close to her, when I don't even know her. Once when she got up to go to the toilet, I just went with her... hmmm!

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